Mobile app development technologies

To help you understand the process of building a mobile application here’s a closer look at all the different technology considerations business owners must make before building an app.

Native apps

What are native apps? Such apps are built for a single mobile operating system. That’s why they’re called native – they’re native to a particular platform or device. The majority of mobile apps today are built for systems like Android or iOS. To put it simply, you can’t install and use an Android app on iPhone, and vice versa.

The main benefit of native apps is their high performance and excellent user experience. After all, developers who build them use native device UI. Access to a broad range of APIs also helps to accelerate the development work and extend the boundaries of app usage. Native applications can only be downloaded from app stores and installed directly into devices. That’s why they first need to pass a strict publishing process.

Read also: Guide on How to publish your app on Google Play and App Store

The most important drawback of native apps is their cost. To build, support, and maintain an app for Android and iOS you basically need two development teams. As you can imagine, this may result in a higher price tag on the project.

Web apps

Web apps are software applications that behave similarly to native mobile apps and work on mobile devices. However, there are significant differences between native apps and web apps. For starters, web apps use browsers to run, and they’re usually written in CSS, HTML5, or JavaScript. Such apps redirect the user to the URL and then offer them the option to install the app. They simply create a bookmark on their page. That’s why they require minimum device memory.

Since all of the personal databases will be saved on the server, users can only use the application if they have an internet connection. This is the main drawback of web apps – they always require a good internet connection. Otherwise, you risk delivering subpar user experience.

Moreover, developers don’t have that many APIs works with, except for the most popular features like geolocation. The performance will be linked to browser work and network connection as well.

Hybrid apps

These apps are built using web technologies such as JavaScript, CSS, and HTML 5. Why are they called hybrid? Hybrid apps basically work like web apps disguised in a native wrapper.

Hybrid apps are easy and fast to develop, which is a clear benefit. You also get a single codebase for all the platforms. This lowers the cost of maintenance and streamlines the updating process. Developers can also take advantage of many APIs for features such as gyroscope or geolocation.

On the other hand, hybrid applications may lack speed and performance. Also, you might experience some design issues as the app might not look the same on two or more platforms.


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